Production technology
The secret may lie in the process, but the process itself is no secret
The secret may lie in the process, but the process itself is no secret
All Freshko juices are made of fruits that we grow in our gardens (find them on the map).
Fruits and vegetables are grown in a natural environment and are picked as soon as ripe while basking in the sun.
This is the only way to guarantee the high quality, unique taste and freshness of Freshko juices.
Freshko are only made of high-quality, ripe, fresh and carefully stored fruits. Fresh fruits and vegetables are carefully washed and processed by cold pressing machines.
Those machines use slow hydraulic pistons that generate no heat. This results in utmost enzyme extraction and preservation. Products are compressed by stainless, antibacterial steel rollers and processing is air-free. This prevents contamination and oxidization of juices.
Freshko are not pasteurized and are, instead, manufactured using a special HPP (High Pressure Processing) technology. This is how we manage to preserve the freshness of Freshko even longer.
HPP or High Pressure Processing is a non-thermal (5ºC – 20ºC) food and beverage preservation method. It maintains the organoleptic and nutritional attributes of fresh products. It guarantees food safety and achieves an increased shelf life.
It is based on the use of high isostatic pressure transmitted by cold water of up to 6,000 bar held for a few minutes. This pressure is transmitted uniformly and instantaneously throughout the product. The resulting effect is equivalent to pasteurization, but involves no heat.
HPP is the most widespread heat-free, preservation technology used by food and beverage manufacturers due to its multiple advantages.
HPP allows to drastically reduce or eliminate the use of preservatives or additives in food. All Freshko juices are without added sugar, sweeteners or preservatives.
HPP destroys pathogens (Salmonella, E. Coli, Listeria, Vibrio, norovirus, etc.) and spoilage microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, coliforms, etc.).
Only high-pressure lukewarm water applied for a few minutes. Thus, the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of food products are kept intact
HPP keeps Freshko fresh for 3 months after packaging. And at the same time ensures a high-quality product.
HPP has minimal effects on vitamins, antioxidants, other micronutrients, and flavor and aroma compounds. Furthermore, it helps to better retain these compounds compared to conventional thermal processes.
The technology does not break covalent bonds, and only affects weaker non-covalent molecular interactions like hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. These interactions are responsible for the stabilization of the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins, complex carbohydrates, or biological structures such as lipid bilayers of cell membranes.
HPP technology allows the inactivation of vegetative microorganisms, parasites and viruses by applying 6,000 bar for a few seconds to around 6 minutes. However, as with thermal pasteurization, some microorganisms remain viable in the product. Some bacterial spores may also remain which are not inactivated by HPP. Furthermore, HPP does not completely inactivate most enzymes. For this reason, HPP does not allow the development of stable foods marketed at room temperature.
HPP technology delivers “fresh-like” products with similar microbiological results as heat pasteurization. HPP-treated products better retain sensory and nutritional properties in comparison to the conventional thermal process.ични процеси.
HPP definitely guarantees juice safety and achieves an increased shelf life. Safety is achieved by inactivating vegetative pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, molds, yeasts and parasites. However, since there are some pressure resistant microorganisms and enzymes and spores are not inactivated, other hurdles should be taken into account. Refrigerated storage (4-6 °C), could help to further guarantee juice safety.
HPP is the most popular and most widespread heat-free food and beverage processing technology in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Oceania.
It is recommended to store Freshko juices in refrigeration (4-6 °C). The cold chain will act as a hurdle to slow down undesirable microbial growth enzymatic activity. If the cold chain is maintained residual activity of enzymes and microorganisms will be lower. Chemical reactions that lead to sensory or nutritional changes, take place at faster rates under temperatures above 10 °C.
HPP is an ‘’in-pack’’ process, meaning that the products need to be packaged when processed, usually in their final package. Packaging materials must be flexible (to withstand compression), elastic (to recover their original shape after decompression), and waterproof (as they will be submerged in water). These considerations make plastic polymers the most versatile option.
You will notice that our juices form sediment. This is attributable to the fact that they are freshly squeezed – much like you would do it at home. It is safely to say that any juice that does not form sediment contains additives intended to interfere with this natural process. That is why you should shake well Freshko before use to enjoy 100% pure juice made of fresh fruits and vegetables.